Episode 43: Endings and Beginnings
No Dragons Press
Episode 43: “Endings and Beginnings”
Show Notes for Episode 43
These are the show notes from No Dragons Press: Episode 43. Enjoy and thanks!
OK, wow. Here we are, you guys. This is episode 43, the final episode in season one of No Dragons Press: A HIGH FANTASY Fiction Podcast. Well, shit.
Seriously, we’ve come a long way together, and I want to thank each and every one of you who’s been following along and made it to the end with me. Just know how much I appreciate each and every one of you.
Alright guys, ready for it? Here is everything you need to know about how to keep in touch and how to make sure you don’t miss the beginning of the next season! (And don’t worry—as always, you can find all the links to everything I mention in today’s episode at nodragonspress.com/podcast.)
No Dragons Press Podcast: Season Two
If you’re already subscribed wherever you listen to No Dragons Press and you’re getting alerts when I post a new show, you’re all set—just stay subscribed, and when I release the next episode, you’ll literally be the first to know. I might even send out a mid-season-break update to let you know how it’s going and what to expect.
If you’re not subscribed, if you’ve been finding the show manually each time or you’re listening on the website, or you just check back it’s super easy—just hit subscribe in whatever app or program you like, or if you’re at nodragonspress.com, you can enter your email address in the sidebar and you will be notified when I post the show notes to a new episode or any other posts.
No Dragons Press: Book 1
Guys. Can you believe it—I’m finished with the entire book? That’s nutballs. Wow. So, the plan is to release this as a e-book, like, pretty soon here, or relatively soon anyway, then release a super amazing print book containing all the amazing illustrations by Emily Ruf. You guys are going to love it, it’s going to be totally gorgeous. We’re really excited.
In the meantime, I think I’m going to compile all of the story portion of the season of the podcast into an audiobook and make it available from my website. I want you guys to have easy access to it in case you want to listen again, and I want to make it super easy for you to listen to just the story, without the show intros and everything, but I also want the opportunity to make a little bit of money from this.
So, I think the best way for me to do that is by donation. That way you guys can just grab the files for free and anyone who wants to pay a little something for it can do that, and basically we can all have everything we want. How cool is that?
It’s not quite ready yet, but keep an eye on nodragonspress.com or sign up for my mailing list. I’ll only send things out when I have news, I’m not gonna blast you every week or anything. I’ll also be adding a few other goodies for you to get your hands on, so definitely check back.
You haven’t heard me mentioning Patreon in a while, and that’s because I’m kind of taking a step back from it for this podcast. I’m going to leave the $1 and $2 levels for now, but I’m taking off that higher top tier.
Sending something out in the mail every month was a lot of fun, but it’s kind of unsustainable right now while I’m not even posting new episodes, and I just think it makes sense to pull back from it for a while. I’ll keep you guys posted on what I decide to do when I start up the episodes again, but for now, there are no rewards, just the internal reward of helping out your ol’ pal Maggie.
That said, if you do want to donate a buck or two a month toward hosting fees, you’re totally still welcome to do that; even if I’m not updating the podcast, I definitely don’t plan to take it down or anything. I’m going to be whipping book 2 into shape as soon as possible regardless, but it’s always nice motivation-wise to have that extra show of support.
Or, you know, just hang out and wait until I’ve got something to show for it, that works too. Seriously. Whatever feels right.
Ascraeus Press/Illustrated Fiction by Emily Ruf
I bet you were wondering when I was going to get around to mentioning this! So, we were originally going to publish a new chapter with new artwork by Emily every week but as you know, that got unsustainable real fast.
I mean, all I really had to do on www.ascraeuspress.com every week was run each chapter through some final editing and then post the thing; Emily was coming up with brand new works of art, from scratch, and she was spending just a ton of time on each one. She still is, which is why they aren’t happening as fast as we initially thought they would. Which is totally fine.
So, while I’m working on book 2, Emily is going to be working on finishing the illustrations for book 1. We’ll be updating the blog at ascraeuspress.com, and like I mentioned earlier, when we’re finished, we’re going to have so much fun putting it all together for you. Seriously, it’s totally amazing to see how all of this has come together, and we’re really excited to keep adding to the collection and getting some cool stuff ready for your hands.
In the meantime, definitely check out Emily’s website at ruftimes.com, that’s R-U-F-TIMES. She’s got some amazing limited edition prints for sale, and she’s got a lot of other really amazing projects that you definitely want to take a look at. I’m looking forward to a ton more awesome stuff from her.
Progressive Rock/@progmaggie
So! Final note on the prog rock thing. I KNOW. Several of you have asked me about some of the music I’ve mentioned over the course of the podcast, which is totally amazing, and it’s giving me a lot of great ideas for resources and information I can put together for you. I’m definitely going to have a few announcements coming up about how I plan to expand that area of my life.
In the meantime, seriously, if you have been interested in the music I’ve been listening to (or that Addie listens to, for that matter) and you want to learn more or you want to keep following my musical discoveries and adventures, now is definitely the time to follow @progmaggie on Instagram. It’s the end of June now, and seriously guys, I’ve got a ton of great shows coming up this summer, and I’m really planning to up my social media game as far as bringing you guys along on my musical adventures.
So definitely keep an eye on that Instagram account for special announcements and all kinds of exclusive access to cool stuff—some of it’s only going to be available for a limited time, and you don’t want to miss it. I’d love to see you there.
(And you know, you don’t strictly need an Instagram account to take a look, just go to instagram.com/progmaggie —but I bet once you see how much fun we’re all having over there, you sign up for an account of you own. Seriously, the progressive rock Instagram community is amazing.)
OR, if you forget every single thing I just told you that’s fine—just make sure to subscribe to this podcast wherever you listen or sign up for my mailing list at nodragonspress.com/podcast, and you’ll be the first to know when the book and other merch is available, the @nodragonspress Instagram account starts getting awesome, whenever other cool shit happens.
Whew! Okay, I know that was a ton to throw at you, I just want to make sure to leave you with everything you need while I’m off plugging away at book 2!
That’s it from me for now, so please enjoy the final chapter, Endings and Beginnings, and the epilogue to No Dragons Press: Book 1, and thank you for being here.
That’s it, everyone. We’ve reached the end of book 1, and it’s time to say goodbye for a little while. Remember to keep an eye on nodragonspress.com/podcast, I’ll make sure to give you guys all the links and information you need to stay informed and keep in contact.
And remember to be kind to each other. Everyone has a story, even if they don’t look like you, or sound like you, or think like you, and the only way we’re all going to make it is if we all keep listening to each other. Let’s mourn each other’s losses and embrace each other’s successes, and if we all let that attitude inform the choices we make every day, we’re all going to be just fine.
Thanks so much, everyone. I’ll talk to you soon. In the meantime, don’t be a stranger!
Want to know when Season 2 starts?
Episode 42: Lifting Burdens
No Dragons Press
Episode 42: “Lifting Burdens”
Show Notes for Episode 42
These are the show notes from No Dragons Press: Episode 42.
Hey, everyone!
Final Episode of No Dragons Press
So. Okay. Do I sound nervous? I’m super nervous. Okay. it’s episode 42, and all of a sudden this is the second-to-last episode of season 1 of No Dragons Press! I know I said I had 44 chapters total, but the last one is really short and I don’t want to be a total dick and string it out too far for you guys, so, here’s the plan.
This week I’ll be reading chapter 42, which I’ve really been looking forward to and I hope guys all have as well. Then, next week, I’ll be reading chapters 43 and 44. (Technically, 44 might end up being an epilogue, who knows. Either way, I’m going to read the last two chapters in one episode for aforementioned not-being-a-dick purposes.)
What happens after season 1?
I’m going to take a little break.
Deep breath.
OK, I know I’ve been saying all along that I would continue the podcast unless I had a good reason not to. Well, as of right now, June 2017, there is a really good reason not to, and that’s that the second book is totally not ready yet. The story’s all there, it’s all outlined just like the rest of the books, but I really need to spend some serious time on the actual draft before I attempt to start podcasting the thing, because I only have the first few chapters. For the moment, I’ve kind of reached the end of the road.
I know, it sucks that we can’t jump right into the next one together. I really wish we could. But I really want to do this right for you guys, so I’ve gotta take some time off to make it happen before I’m ready to share it with you.
I hope you understand, and to those of you who have reached out to me to express your support, and those of you who support me just by continuing to listen, I promise that I will return, and we’ll pick up right where we left off, and it will be just like I was never gone. Okay? I’m not going anywhere.
How to stay in touch
So. I really appreciate your support throughout this entire process. I’ll have a bunch of information for you next week on how to make sure you are alerted when I start the next season, and how to stay in touch in the meantime.
But for now, just know that everything you’ll ever need can also be found on www.nodragonspress.com/podcast, so please don’t be a stranger.
OK. I love you guys, you know that? Keep being you, and keep being logical and compassionate and informed. You’re the best.
Now, without further ado, please enjoy chapter 42: Lifting Burdens
Thanks for listening! Next week I’ll have a bunch of links for you. In the meantime, take care of yourselves.
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Episode 41: Unfinished Business
No Dragons Press
Episode 41: “Unfinished Business”
Show Notes for Episode 41
Hey, everyone! Thanks for listening!
Going to Seattle—Woooo!
So, I’m recording this on May 29, and tomorrow I’m going to get on a plane and fly to Seattle! So happy to be visiting the great state of Washington…
I’m going on a little bit of a vacation, going to visit some friends and loved ones, but also…
Jean-Luc Ponty at the Neptune Theater!
I’m super excited because I’m going to see a concert. His name is Jean-Luc Ponty and he’s a jazz, jazz fusion violin player. Seriously, he’s amazing, and really accessible (maybe? I think?)…I don’t know, I’m not even going to go there.
Just check him out, because he’s amazing. If I end up editing this podcast together on the plane like I plan to, and upload it tomorrow or the next day, you can keep an eye on my Instagram account. (Remember, that’s @progmaggie now.) Super excited. 🙂
Thanks, and I hope you enjoy episode 41, “Unfinished Business.”
Hey, thanks for listening! Tell a friend, and remember to check out www.nodragonspress.com or follow me on Instagram at…wherever you want. Thanks and take care!
Want to see all the pretties?
Read a new chapter of No Dragons Press with brand-new illustrations on Ascraeus Press!
Episode 40: Tristan
No Dragons Press
Episode 40: “Tristan”
Show Notes for Episode 40
Hey, everyone! Welcome to the show.
In Which No Dragons Press Is Almost An Entire Book
So, quick update as far as what’s going on with the podcast. We’ve got just a few chapters left in the story, and I’m really going to try to get them out for you guys in short order—I just finished final editing through the end of the book, so…oh my gosh guys, that means I HAVE A WHOLE BOOK.
So what’s going to happen next? Well, this is episode 40, and there are THREE more episodes, so assuming I can stick to one a week through the end here, that’s just one month of podcasts left!
In Which You Guys Are The Best
Seriously, thank you so much for your support. When I start feeling like maybe this isn’t worth doing and maybe it doesn’t really matter, I just take a look at my podcast statistics and see that you know what, it does matter, to a lot more of you than I ever expected when I started, so thank you so much for giving me a reason to make this story the best it can possibly be. I honestly can’t even believe how long I’ve been doing this!
So! I’m just going to jump in, because this next episode is a total blast and there’s really no slowing down from here on out. Please enjoy chapter 40, “Tristan”!
Prefer your fiction in text form?
Read a new chapter of No Dragons Press with brand-new illustrations every week on Ascraeus Press’s Weekly Illustrated Fiction Series!
Episode 39: The Secrets of the Bluffs
No Dragons Press
Episode 39: “The Secrets of the Bluffs”
Show Notes for Episode 39
Hey, everyone! I hope you’ve been well.
Hey, so quick announcement. When I first started this whole No Dragons Press thing, I was kind of new to social media in general, at least as any like actual targeted thing beyond cat videos and shit like that, and while I started trying to kind of chronicle the adventures of a new author, podcasting for the first time and all of that—but at least in Instagram’s case, the focus really took a turn away from the writing and podcasting thing and toward my other great love, which is vintage progressive rock.
In the beginning I thought you know, these guys are totally going to come with me on this, and maybe they’ll learn a little bit about music they might like that no one else is really talking about, and blah blah blah—yeah, I really appreciate you guys for humoring me and being awesome, but it is officially time to stop subjecting you to whatever random shit I feel like talking about and time to focus a little more on actual story-related stuff.
So, I thought a good first step in that direction would be to separate the two projects into different accounts. You know, writing a book and recording a podcast really aren’t very visual activities, so it’s kind of hard to stay on topic with an Instagram account when I just get so excited about things like live shows and album art and instruments and things that make so much more sense to photograph and share than yet another shot of my weird closet home studio.
Anyway, here’s the story: if you’ve been following @nodragonspress on Instagram, and you’re listening to this now, you’re now following @progmaggie. And yes, that’s prog like the rock, not Prague like the city, you goofballs. So if you’re already following and you’re fine with how things are going, that’s fantastic, nothing is really going to change about my account—you’re just going to see me clicking around under a different handle.
For the rest of you, I’m telling you guys this because @nodragonspress is now a new account that you will actually have to find and follow again, if you were following the account that is now @progmaggie. But don’t worry about that now, at the time of this podcast in the beginning of May 2017, there isn’t really anything going on there, I’m just letting you know what happened with the handle because it’s weird when shit comes out of nowhere like that.
Honestly, my priority right now is you guys, finishing up Book 1 for you so I stop holding you in suspense, so go ahead if you want and find me for actual book- and podcast-related stuff @nodragonspress, but don’t expect anything interesting for a while until I figure my shit out. I’ll totally let you know.
And you know, if this is super weird—I don’t know, I’ve never done any of this before, and those of you listening to season 1 while it’s still happening, my super early listeners: I really appreciate your support as I fumble my way through all of this. I just hope you’re enjoying the story and that you understand that if some things take a little longer than I want them to, like posting another episode because I realize the chapter I wanted to record is in complete shambles and I suddenly have to rework the thing—it’s because I really want to do a good job for you. You’re really the first people to hear some of this, and I really want to respect that by having everything as polished as I can before you do. You’ve all been awesome.
So! I’m going to leave the rest of the updates for next time and jump right into the story. Holy shit you guys, this is Chapter 39, and the ending is like right around the corner, so let’s get on with it! Enjoy chapter 39, The Secrets of the Bluffs.
Like your fiction visually stimulating?
Read a new chapter of No Dragons Press with brand-new illustrations every week on Ascraeus Press’s Weekly Illustrated Fiction Series!
Episode 38: Trust Is a Funny Thing
No Dragons Press
Episode 38: “Trust Is a Funny Thing”
Show Notes for Episode 38
These are the show notes from No Dragons Press: Episode 38!
Hey, everyone! I’m recording this on April 23, 2017. I hope you’ve been enjoying April! At least in the Twin Cities, where I live, it’s been a really beautiful weekend to be outside.
If you got out there and marched for science, thank you, I salute you, that’s completely amazing, you are amazing. If you went out to support a local record store for Record Store Day 2017, thank you for that, I hope you found what you were looking for. Whatever you did to celebrate this week, I hope you had a great time.
Well, I know I talked for a thousand years last time, so what do you know, I’m just gonna go for it. I hope you enjoy episode 38, Trust Is a Funny Thing.
Hey, thanks for listening. I hope you enjoyed chapter 38! Take care.
Prefer your fiction in text form?
Read a new chapter of No Dragons Press with brand-new illustrations every week on Ascraeus Press’s Weekly Illustrated Fiction Series!
Episode 37: Reactions and Decisions
No Dragons Press
Episode 37: “Reactions and Decisions”
Show Notes for Episode 37
OK, remember how I said I’d get another episode up right away for you? Psyyyych. Sorry.
I haven’t had the most regular of work weeks, and I really apologize for that. But I think I have a pretty good excuse, and if you follow me on Instagram, you know exactly what I’m about to talk about.
Guys, I need to tell you about ASIA. The band, not the country. DO NOT skip ahead to the chapter, I have some real things to say, and I promise it’s a way better story than you think.



If you’ve been listening for a while, you remember my friend Lisa, who is generally my partner in crime for these epic musical road trips we like to take. (You may recognize her from such things as our recent Rick Wakeman cape campaign.) So, we took some time off last week from real life to go on a bit of a road trip to Madison Wisconsin for the ASIA show.
(It was also a Journey show—I mean, they were headlining—but I honestly completely forgot about that until I got there and saw my ticket.)
Many of you probably know ASIA because of songs like, I dunno, “Heat of the Moment” is probably the most recognizable. But seriously you guys, I’ll add links in the show notes to a couple songs that will legit blow your mind, so definitely check that out, and you can go ahead and let me know when you have your a-ha moment with ASIA. You totally will.
In the meantime, here’s a quick assignment: go and listen to “The Smile Has Left Your Eyes,” like right now, really give it a listen it is one of the most gorgeous and heartbreaking things ever.
I will literally post a link on my Twitter account @nodragonspress right now because that’s how much I want you to go do this. Go ahead. I’ll wait.
So. Classic ASIA lineup: Geoff Downes and Steve Howe from Yes, Carl Palmer from Emerson Lake and Palmer, and John Wetton from King Crimson. (Do you see why this was such an incredible opportunity?)
So there were some lineup changes over the years, but for several years now ASIA has pretty much been the classic lineup, minus Steve Howe, the guitar player. I mean, he’s around and stuff, he’s just doing the Yes thing right now. Totally fine, he can do what he wants, the guitar player right now is a younger guy like my age called Sam Coulson. Just shreds, really fun to watch. Anyone who has a problem with him not being Steve Howe has to go through me first, because…I don’t know.
So, John Wetton the singer—this is so fucking sad—John Wetton, singer and bass player, died just a couple months ago, and they had this whole tour with Journey set up and everything. (I keep forgetting this was actually a Journey tour…) So Billy Sherwood kind of took over for him on a temporary basis that you know, turned into the rest of the tour, and here we are. And he is fucking awesome.
First of all, the guy is an incredible player, and this sounds really weird to say but he just channels John Wetton so well, it’s hard to imagine anyone else filling this role in this band so perfectly right now. So Billy Sherwood has also been a part of the Yes family of musicians for a really long time, and he’s the bass player of Yes right now, as Chris Squire’s replacement after he passed away gosh, I guess almost two years ago? Oh my god.
Anyway, Billy Sherwood, really incredible player, go look something up, anything, guitar, bass, it doesn’t even matter, dude’s a beast.
So! My friend and I decided to sit way up in the nosebleeds so we could splurge on the meet and greets, because that’s just the kind of people we are. Yeah. That’s where this is headed. So suddenly there we were standing around with fucking ASIA, we brought a few records to get signed and you know, and they were all just so lovely and kind and gracious.
So, on top of this frankly ridiculous experience of meeting these amazing musicians who have all been important to me at various points during their own careers, it really meant a lot to have an opportunity to express my gratitude. I mean, who the fuck am I, right, but I don’t know, I think if something really matters, it’s important to express gratitude for it when you have an opportunity.
So, I’ll get into the chapter in just another minute—man, I really need to finish my logo for that progressive rock podcast so I can start it already—but first I just want to say: if there’s something you appreciate, some style of music or band, or book series, any type of art—embrace the fuck out of that appreciation. Nobody gets to tell you how much you’re allowed to feel about it.
I mean that’s the whole point of art, right? If it doesn’t kick you in the face and make you feel all the feelings and become a part of you, then what’s the fucking point?
I don’t know exactly what I’m trying to say here, other than if you feel like you need to hide behind some layer of pretend irony for people to be OK with something that’s legitimately important to you, or if you feel like somehow your appreciation is any less valid than anyone else’s, fuck that shit.
And if you don’t have someone in your life who you can share all that enthusiasm with, go and find other people who also love that that thing, and connect with them about it. Maybe you’ll find them in record stores or bookstores or shows or wherever, but find them and make connections about the obscure shit that means everything to you, and celebrate that shit together. Because being with other people who love the same thing, knowing that you’re right there with people that thing is speaking to just as loudly—that’s everything. That’s fucking church.
And I know it can feel really weird, especially with everything going on right now, to take these opportunities to celebrate. Look, life is a celebration. Music is a celebration. And you have to let yourself take the time to notice and celebrate those connections and experiences now, while we’re all here together. I am giving you permission to put as much value on those experiences as you want, because life is too short to pretend those things don’t matter.
This is the maid speaking, by the way.
Seriously guys, thank you for sticking with me, and you know, until I get that prog rock podcast off the ground, if you’re interested in checking out any of the bands I’ve been talking about, check out my Instagram account at @nodragonspress, it’s basically me sharing pictures and short videos of everything I listen to. That’s a great place to start for now. And if you have any musical recommendations for me based on what you know I like, definitely let me know!
AND NOW, the chapter! Last time, in chapter 36, we ended with a bit of a “holy fuck” moment for Addie, and we’re about to pick right back up on that. If you’re new to the podcast and you haven’t been following the story, now would be a really great time to stop listening and jump back to episode one, and welcome! And for those of you all caught up with the story, thanks so much for listening, I hope you enjoy episode 37: “Reactions and Decisions.”
Episode 36: Addie Gets a Knife
No Dragons Press
Episode 36: “Addie Gets a Knife”
Thanks so much, everyone! Make sure to tell a friend, and I hope you tune in next week. Take care!
Prefer your fiction in text form?
Read a new chapter of No Dragons Press with brand-new illustrations every week on Ascraeus Press’s Weekly Illustrated Fiction Series!